Petcover Australia Wins the WeMoney Pet Insurance Innovation of the Year Award 2023

Petcover Australia Wins the WeMoney Pet Insurance Innovation of the Year Award 2023!

We are extremely honoured and proud to announce that Petcover Australia has won the WeMoney Pet Insurance Innovation of the Year Award 2023.

A stringent process is put in place to ensure all aspects of the nominees are considered, through a scoring scale (0-10), from reviewing data which consists of customer experiences and industry standards.

The WeMoney awards program recognises the most outstanding product, service, or feature innovators in the Australian market. It also awards those businesses offering competitive experiences for customers; we are truly thrilled at receiving such acknowledgement.

The hallmark achievement recognised Exotic Pet Insurance plans on offer for customers. Petcover works with its insurance partners to be one the only exotic pet insurers in Australia, covering reptiles, small mammals, turtles/tortoises, and birds.

As a pet insurance pioneer, we’re excited about the future as the exotic products continue to expand in Australia and abroad.