4 things cats love

Cats like and dislike various things

As different and unique as their personalities are, their likes can vary from one cat to another just as much. While some like to keep to themselves at all times, others
have chosen the family dog as their best friend. But there are four things no cat can resist:

All cats can prefer different things. e, their preferences can vary as much. While some are loners, others have chosen the family dog as their best friend. But there are four things no cat can resist:


On average cats can sleep anywhere from 12 to 16 hours a day, so it is safe to say they love to sleep and take naps. Cats are nocturnal creatures meaning they sleep most of the day, so you will probably often see your cat curled up all cosy and comfortable taking a mid-afternoon nap.


Cats groom very thoroughly. They can spend hours a day grooming themselves. They do this for various reasons such as keeping themselves clean, to relax and to bond with their kittens.

Clawing and Scratching

Cats have sharp claws and since they grow continuously just like our nails, cats need to sharpen them by scratching and clawing at different surfaces. Scratching also is a form of relaxation for a cat.


Playtime for cats is essential for their health and development and should be done daily. Playtime will help exercises some of the natural instincts they would partake in the wild like stalking, hunting and capturing prey. Playtime keeps them happy, healthy and engaged.

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